Gutmann, S., Heiderhoff, M., Möbius, R. et al. 2023. Application accuracy of a frameless optical neuronavigation system as a guide for craniotomies in dogs. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 65(1), 54.
Optical neuronavigation systems using infrared light to create a virtual reality image of the brain allow the surgeon to track instruments in real time. Due to the high vulnerability of the brain, neurosurgical interventions must be performed with a high precision. The aim of the experimental cadaveric study was to determine the application accuracy of a frameless optical neuronavigation system as guide for craniotomies by determining the target point deviation of predefined target points at the skull surface in the area of access to the cerebrum, cerebellum and the pituitary fossa. On each of the five canine cadaver heads ten target points were marked in a preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan. These target points were found on the cadaver skulls using the optical neuronavigation system. Then a small drill hole (1.5 mm) was drilled at these points. Subsequently, another CT scan was made. Both CT data sets were fused into the neuronavigation software, and the actual target point coordinates were identified. The target point deviation was determined as the difference between the planned and drilled target point coordinates. The calculated deviation was compared between two observers.