Glover, R. S., Stephen, A. 2023. A novel automatic release cage increases survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts released at night. Journal of Fish Biology 103(6), 1560–1564.
Trap-and-transport of migratory fish is commonly used to bypass in-river obstructions. On the River Conon in Scotland, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts are transported around two hydropower facilities. Smolt release occurs during daylight, when predation rates can be high. A novel automatic release cage (ARC) was designed to release smolts at night. Smolts were fitted with acoustic tags (n = 99) to compare survival. High post-release mortality was identified in the day-release group, with night-release survival >40% higher. ARCs can provide fishery managers with a cost-effective and reliable method of improving smolt survival.