
Souza, A., Soriano, V. S., Schnaider, M. A. et al. 2018. Development and refinement of three animal-based broiler chicken welfare indicators. Animal Welfare 27(3), 263-274.

This study aimed to refine bird-soiling as a broiler chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) welfare indicator, and to develop and test two additional indicators, namely contact dermatitis on the breast and abdominal areas and carcase scratches...

Riddle, E. R., Ali, A. B. A., Campbell, D. L. M. et al. 2018. Space use by 4 strains of laying hens to perch, wing flap, dust bathe, stand and lie down. PLOS ONE 13(1), e0190532.

The laying hen industry is implementing aviary systems intended to improve welfare by providing hens with more space and resources to perform species-specific behaviors. To date, limited research has examined spatial requirements of various strains...

Deakin, A., Browne, W. J., Hodge, J. J. L. et al. 2016. A screen peck task for investigating cognitive bias in laying hens. PLOS ONE 11(7), e0158222.

Affect-induced cognitive judgement biases occur in both humans and animals. Animals in a more negative affective state tend to interpret ambiguous cues more negatively than animals in a more positive state and vice versa. Investigating...

Panksepp, J., Herman, B. H., Vilberg, T. et al. 1980. Endogenous opioids and social behavior. Neuroscience and Biobeh

Evidence for the hypothesis that brain-opioids mediate social affect and social attachments is summarized. Opiates and opioids are very effective in reducing social separation-induced distress vocalizations (DVs), in puppies, young guinea pigs and chicks, while...

Sherwin, C. M. 1995. Environmental enrichment for laying hens - Spherical objects in the feed trough. Animal Welfare 4, 41-51.

Brightly coloured spherical objects [balls 4-9 cm in diameter] placed in the feed trough are considered to be a promising method of successful environmental enrichment [simulating ground-litter] for caged laying hens. There was no indication...