
Liu, K., Xin, H. 2017. Effects of horizontal distance between perches on perching behaviors of Lohmann Hens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 194, 54-61.

Perching is a highly-motivated natural behavior of laying hens that has been considered as one of the essential welfare requirements. The objective of the study was to evaluate perching behaviors of laying hens as affected...

Liu, K., Xin, H., Shepherd, T. et al. 2018. Perch-shape preference and perching behaviors of young laying hens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 203, 34-41.

Provision of perches in enriched colony or cage-free hen housing facilitates birds’ ability to express natural behaviors, thus enhancing animal welfare. Although considerable research has been conducted on poultry perches, further investigation is needed of...

Hunniford, M. E., Mason, G. J., Widowski, T. M. 2018. Laying hens’ preferences for nest surface type are affected by enclosure. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 201, 7-14.

The nest surfaces preferred by hens are inconsistent with those typically provided in commercial settings. However, little research has explored hens’ preferences for commercially available nest surfaces. Our objective was to compare hens’ preferences for...

Mellor, E., Brilot, B., Collins, S. 2018. Abnormal repetitive behaviours in captive birds: a Tinbergian review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 198, 109-120.

Abnormal repetitive behaviours (ARBs) are associated with past, or present, welfare problems and are common elements of the behavioural repertoire of some captive animals, including birds. Millions of birds from hundreds of species are held...