Farm or Stable

Includes fish farms, fur farms, and skin farms.

Roche, S. M., Ralston, B. J., Olson, B. et al. 2024. Efficacy of a lidocaine-impregnated elastrator band for castration and tail docking in lambs. Animals 14(10), 1403.

The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate the non-inferiority between lidocaine-impregnated ligation bands (LLBs) and control bands (CBs) with respect to the efficacy of castration and tail docking. Secondary objectives were to compare...

Olsen, H. E., Vogel, K. D., Creutzinger, K. C. 2024. Use of a calving blind that imitates a natural environment. Animals 14(8), 1171.

Many indoor-housed cows isolate at calving when given the opportunity, and calving behaviors vary by blind and pen design. The objectives of this study were to determine if cows preferred calving in a visibly separated...