
Jansson, D.S. 2018 Gaining insights into the health of non-caged layer hens. Veterinary Record 182(12), 347-349.

To prevent injuries and mortality in commercial non-caged laying hens a range of strategies should be used, including vaccination, effective biosecurity routines, optimal management and nutrition. Injurious pecking, footpad lesions, keel bone fractures, reproductive and...

McGrath, N., Dunlop, R. Dwyer, C. et al. 2017. Hens vary their vocal repertoire and structure when anticipating different types of reward. Animal Behaviour 130, 79-96.

The vocalizations of nonhuman animals are considered potential indicators of motivational or internal state. In many species, different call types, and structural variation within call types, encode information about physical characteristics such as age or...

Larsen, H., Cronin, G., Smith, C. L. et al. 2017. Behaviour of free-range laying hens in distinct outdoor environments. Animal Welfare 26(3), 255-264.

The outdoor range in free-range, egg-production systems contains features that aim to promote the performance of natural behaviours. It is unclear what features of the range laying hens prefer and how these influence hen behaviour...

Casey-Trott, T. M., Widowski, T. M. 2018. Validation of an accelerometer to quantify inactivity in laying hens with or without keel-bone fractures. Animal Welfare 27(2), 103-114.

Accelerometers are used to remotely monitor activity in various species in studies that quantify pain, document behavioural patterns, and measure individual activity differences. Studies validating accelerometers typically quantify various active states; however, targeting states specific...