Body Modification/Mutilation

Includes beak trimming, castration, dehorning and disbudding, ear cropping, tail docking, etc.

Roche, S. M., Ralston, B. J., Olson, B. et al. 2024. Efficacy of a lidocaine-impregnated elastrator band for castration and tail docking in lambs. Animals 14(10), 1403.

The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate the non-inferiority between lidocaine-impregnated ligation bands (LLBs) and control bands (CBs) with respect to the efficacy of castration and tail docking. Secondary objectives were to compare...

Heuser, M., Gonzalez-Uarquin, F., Nuber, M. et al. 2024. A 3D-printed dummy for training distal phalanx amputation in mice. Animals 14(8), 1253.

The development of realistic dummies for training the distal phalanx amputation (DPA) technique in mouse pups is a promising alternative to reduce and replace animals in training for research and teaching. To test this, we...

Burciaga, L. M., Alcaraz, G. 2023. Metabolic and behavioural effects of hermit crab shell removal techniques: Is heating less invasive than cracking? Animal Welfare 32, e24.

Hermit crabs (Paguroidea; Latreille 1802) offer great opportunities to study animal behaviour and physiology. However, the animals’ size and sex cannot be determined when they are inside their shell; information crucial to many experimental designs...

Dubuc, J., Morrow, L. 2023. Open versus semi-closed castration in horses: Which technique results in fewer postoperative complications? Veterinary Record 192(2), 78–78.

There is currently no peer-reviewed evidence comparing the postoperative complications associated with open and semi-closed castration techniques in horses. Therefore, the choice of technique should be based on the client's understanding of the risks and...