Human-Animal Interaction

Reinhardt, V. 1997. Training nonhuman primates to cooperate during handling procedures: A review. Animal Technology 48, 55-73.

Twenty-six reports provide detailed information of how primates can be trained to voluntarily cooperate - rather than resist - during blood collection, injection, topical drug application, blood pressure measurement, urine collection, and capture.

Bayne, K. 2002. Development of the human-research animal bond and its impact on animal well-being. Institute for Laboratory An

The various roots of human-animal bonding in the research laboratory setting are reviewed. The development of these relationships is enriching to both personnel and animals inasmuch as people who care about their animals are committed...

Chang, F. T., Hart, L. A. 2002. Human-animal bonds in the laboratory: How animal behavior affects the perspectives of caregive

People are attracted by the animals to become caregivers in laboratories, which points to the importance of providing caregivers opportunities for rewarding interactions with the animals. Opportunities that enhance the comfort of the animals and...