
Meulendijks, R., Weimar, M. M., Kappelhof, J. et al. 2024. Case study: Visual barriers reduce pacing in captive tigers. Zoo Biology 43(2), 199–204.

Captive large felines are prone to abnormal repetitive behaviors like pacing, which are associated with welfare issues. Visual contact without the opportunity to engage in appropriate behavior is known to increase pacing. To better understand...

Crump, A., Jenkins, K., Bethell, E. J. et al. 2024. Pasture access and eye temperature in dairy cows. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 27(2), 234–242.

Pasture access can benefit dairy cows’ behavior, health, and welfare, but herds are increasingly housed indoors full-time. Recent infrared thermal-imaging (thermography) studies suggest that higher eye temperatures may be a physiological indicator of chronic stress...

Matthews, B., New, R., Kanse, Y. M. et al. 2023. Cooped up: Refinement of a Gallus gallus domesticus environment. Animal Technology and Welfare 22(3), 228–230.

Providing an enriched species specific environment, coupled with the principles of the 3Rs (Refinement, Reduction and Replacement) is at the heart of the poulty team team at The Pirbright Institute. Periodically reviwed custom made cage...