
Silva, A. V., Norinder, U., Liiv, E. et al. 2021. Associations between clinical signs and pathological findings in toxicity testing. ALTEX 38(2), 198-214.

Animal testing for toxicity assessment of chemicals and pharmaceuticals must take the 3R principles into consideration. During toxicity testing in vivo, clinical signs are used to monitor animal welfare and to inform about potential toxicity...

Zieglowski, L., Kümmecke, A. M., Ernst, L. et al. 2021. Assessing the severity of laparotomy and partial hepatectomy in male rats—A multimodal approach. PLOS ONE 16(8), e0255175.

This study assessed the postoperative severity after three different visceral surgical interventions in rats by using objective parameters pertaining to various disciplines. The objective was to evaluate whether the degree of severity increases with the...

Song, M. K., Lee, J. H., Kim, Y.-J. 2021. Effect of chronic handling and social isolation on emotion and cognition in adolescent rats. Physiology & Behavior 237, 113440.

Adolescence is a critical period of establishing social relations through social interactions that affect the emotional development associated with stress responses, anxiety, depression, and cognitive development. We investigated the behavioral and neurobiological changes induced by...

Ypsilantis, P., Souftas, V., Vyza, V. et al. 2021. Magnetic resonance imaging for early pregnancy diagnosis in the laboratory rat. Laboratory Animals 55(3), 262-269.

Pregnancy diagnosis and embryo counting are important end points in reproductive, developmental biology and toxicology studies. The purpose of the present study was to assess the feasibility and efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for...

Krueger, L. D., Chang, S. E., Motoc, M. et al. 2021. Effects of pair housing on patency of jugular catheters in rats (Rattus norvegicus). JAALAS 60(3), 357-364.

Chronic vascular access devices are widely used in a variety of species for repeated blood sampling or substance administration. Jugular catheters are commonly used for studying addiction-related behaviors in rats. Rats with catheters have historically...