Husbandry & Management

Includes refinements to diet, bedding or flooring, cage changing, lighting, temperature, noise levels, etc.

Hunniford, M. E., Mason, G. J., Widowski, T. M. 2018. Laying hens’ preferences for nest surface type are affected by enclosure. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 201, 7-14.

The nest surfaces preferred by hens are inconsistent with those typically provided in commercial settings. However, little research has explored hens’ preferences for commercially available nest surfaces. Our objective was to compare hens’ preferences for...

Freymann, J., Tsai, P.-P., Stelzer, H. et al. 2017. The impact of bedding volumes on laboratory mice. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 186, 72-79.

Environmental refinement is considered to be an improvement in housing conditions for laboratory animals. Previous preference tests showed that female BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice prefer deeper bedding in comparison to shallow bedding (Freymann et al...