Nonhuman Primate

Hoy, J. M., Murray, P. J., Tribe, A. 2010. Thirty years later: Enrichment practices for captive mammals. Zoo Biology 29(3), 303-316.

Environmental enrichment of captive mammals has been steadily evolving over the past thirty years. For this process to continue, it is first necessary to define current enrichment practices and then identify the factors that limit...

Jacobsen, K. R. 2010. The effect of environmental enrichment on the behavior of captive tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Lab Animal 39(9), 269-277.

The authors provided different forms of environmental enrichment to six old laboratory male tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and studied the behavior of the monkeys during a baseline period and during three enrichment periods. Each...

Martin, A. L., Franklin, A. N., Bloomsmith, M. A. 2010. Improving the efficiency of positive reinforcement training by

Positive reinforcement training relies on identifying an effective reinforcing consequence, often food, to be presented contingent on the performance of the desired behavior. Prior to training sessions, we used a multiple stimulus without replacement (MSWO)...

Minier, D. E., Tatum, L., McCowan, B. 2010. Human-directed contra-aggression training using positive reinforcement

The quality of human-animal interactions can be an indicator of well-being in laboratory primates and increased anxiety-related behavior, such as aggression, may compromise an animal’s ability to provide research outcomes reflective of normal function. The...