Environmental Enrichment

Includes structural, behavioral, food, and auditory enrichment.

Sherrill, C., Kavanagh, K. 2019. Fight Club: Using housing conditions to curb male cage aggression. Laboratory Animal Science Professional 7(1) (March), 38-40.

Those who have worked with C57BL/6 males know how aggressive they can be towards their cage mates. We poured over academic journals, reading every article we could find regarding male home cage aggression. Three articles...

Heyworth, C. 2019. Revamping porcine enrichment. Laboratory Animal Science Professional 7(3) (September), 63-65.

Pigs may exhibit stereotypic behaviors due to lack of proper mental stimulation. Stereotypic behaviors include self-inflicted wounds, biting at the pen, polydipsia, cage destruction, and loud vocalizations. These behaviors may be alleviated with proper daily...

Heyworth, C., Olivo, D. 2018. Environmental and psychological enrichment for NHPs reimagined and repurposed. Laboratory Animal Science Professional 5(4) (December), 39-43.

This article describes creative enrichment ideas for nonhuman primates, including celery stalks embedded with seeds; paper rolled into tubes, braided and filled with fruit and seeds; pineapple crowns loaded with treats; dry spaghetti noodles coated...

Durán, E., Churio, O., Lagos, J. et al. 2019. Development of edible environmental enrichment objects for weaned pigs. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 34, 7-12.

Studies on environmental enrichment for weaned pigs have predominantly focused on stimulating exploration through “nonedible toys.” The research on edible enrichment objects is very limited. For this reason, the aim of this study was to...