Environmental Enrichment

Includes structural, behavioral, food, and auditory enrichment.

Goswami, S., Tyagi, P. C., Malik, P. K. et al. 2023. Effects of enclosure complexity and visitor presence on the welfare of Asiatic lions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 260, 105853.

In recent years, there has been much research into the individual effects of enclosure complexity and visitor presence on captive animal welfare. However, the inter-linkages between enclosure complexity and visitor presence and their combined influence...

Cait, J., Cait, A., Scott, R. W. et al. 2022. Conventional laboratory housing increases morbidity and mortality in research rodents: Results of a meta-analysis. BMC Biology 20(1), 15.

Over 120 million mice and rats are used annually in research, conventionally housed in shoebox-sized cages that restrict natural behaviours (e.g. nesting and burrowing). This can reduce physical fitness, impair thermoregulation and reduce welfare (e.g...