Environmental Enrichment

Includes structural, behavioral, food, and auditory enrichment.

Snowdon, C. T., Teie, D., Savage, M. 2015. Cats prefer species-appropriate music. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 166, 106-111.

Many studies have attempted to use music to influence the behavior of nonhuman animals; however, these studies have often led to conflicting outcomes. We have developed a theoretical framework that hypothesizes that in order for...

Jensen, M. B., Herskin, M. S., Forkman, B. et al. 2015. Effect of increasing amounts of straw on pigs' explorative behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 171, 58-63.

According to European legislation, pigs must have permanent access to sufficient quantity of material to enable manipulation activities. However, few studies have quantified how much straw is needed to fulfil the requirements of growing pigs...