Environmental Enrichment

Includes structural, behavioral, food, and auditory enrichment.

Krebs, B., Watters, J. 2017. Simple but temporally unpredictable puzzles are cognitive enrichment. Animal Behavior and Cognition 4(1), 119–134.

Provision of problem solving opportunities as enrichment for animals considered highly intelligent has increased over the last twenty years, but this emphasis on animals considered intelligent may overlook the need for cognitive challenge in species...

Henaut, Y., Delfour, F. 2023. Manatees in zoological parks throughout the world: History, state, and welfare. Animals 13(20), 3228.

The order Sirenia comprises several species of manatees and one species of dugong. These popular marine mammals are relatively recent acquisitions to zoological parks throughout the world. As far as we know, there are less...

Hanna, P., Frick, E., Kuczaj, S. 2016. A tool use task proves enriching for a captive sea otter (Enhydra lutris). Animal Behavior and Cognition 3(2), 88–94.

Environmental enrichment is used to improve an animal’s physical and psychological well-being while housed in a captive environment. Alligood and Leighty (2015) suggested that enrichment that emulates the natural and preferred behaviors of the species...