
AWI Quarterly Articles | Companion Animals

Please see the below articles about Companion Animals from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Animal Abuse Prompts Pet Shop Shut Down

In 2013, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman established an Animal Cruelty Initiative to focus on prosecuting animal cruelty crimes and protecting consumers from unscrupulous companion animal dealers. Earlier this year, his office struck a...

USDA's Cyanide Bombs Claim More Unintended Victims

Fourteen-year-old Canyon Mansfield was walking with Kasey, his Labrador retriever, near his house when he noticed what looked like a sprinkler head. Unwittingly, he touched it, causing an explosion that knocked Canyon to the ground...

Happy Home for Rescued Beagles

In 2010, nearly 200 dogs and over 50 cats were saved from a North Carolina animal testing facility, after an undercover investigation exposed callous treatment and even malicious abuse of the animals by laboratory personnel...

Neglect Leads to Death of Military Dogs

The fate of dogs used by the military in combat situations (e.g., bomb sniffing) has long been an intense area of concern. Last year, President Obama signed into law a military spending bill mandating that...

Veterinarians Can Help Fight Against Animal Abuse

Thirty-one states either mandate or encourage veterinarians to report animal abuse, and most of these provide vets with immunity from civil (and sometimes criminal) liability for good-faith reporting. Moreover, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)...

USDA Action Makes Horse Abusers Sore

In July, the US Department of Agriculture proposed a rule that, if finalized, would bring us closer to ending the egregiously inhumane practice of soring Tennessee Walking horses, racking horses, and other gaited breeds.

Friday Night Fighters

Friday Night Fighters is not for the faint of heart. Readers of mysteries know going in there will be a murder or two, but they may find the abuse of animals more disturbing. There is...

Staten Island Unveils New Animal Cruelty Prosecution Unit

Participants in the first animal cruelty prosecution training conference hosted by AWI and the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys in 2009 came looking for guidance—and like-minded souls. They included individuals who had volunteered to take on...


Dogs are afflicted with many of the same cancers as people. As with people, the causes are little understood and therapy can be frustratingly ineffective. Yet, there is hope. Lessons learned from veterinarians treating dogs...