AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Marine Mammal Protection in a Warming World

In March, Rep. Julia Brownley (D-CA) reintroduced the Marine Mammal Climate Change Protection Act (HR 1383), to protect marine mammals adversely affected by the climate crisis. Since 1972, the Marine Mammal Protection Act has prohibited...

Correcting Course on Right Whales

In February, Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) introduced the RESCUE Whales Act (HR 1213). This bill would repeal harmful language included in the fiscal year 2023 omnibus funding package that significantly threatens the survival and recovery...

Phasing Out Mink Farms

AWI spearheaded the introduction in June of the Mink VIRUS Act (HR 3783), sponsored by Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY). This bill would establish a one-year phaseout of mink fur farms in the United States and...

Advancing Animal Welfare Through Appropriations

AWI has been working with members of the House of Representatives and Senate to raise the profile of animal welfare issues and to secure members’ support for stand-alone animal welfare bills as well as for...

AWI-Backed Bills Introduced in 118th Congress

Two animal welfare bills championed by AWI were among the first introduced in the 118 th Congress. HR 208, the Pet Safety and Protection Act (PSPA), was introduced by long-time sponsor Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)...

Closing the Book on 117th Congress

Two of the 117 th Congress’s final pieces of legislation that made it into law included many provisions affecting animals—both positively and negatively. The National Defense Authorization Act included provisions banning the domestic sale of...

A Salute to Animal Champions Exiting Congress

Every two years, Congress loses members who retire from politics, run for another office, or lose their reelection bid. Unfortunately, the end of the 117 th Congress brings with it the loss of several long-time...