AWI Quarterly Articles | Government/Legal

Please see the below articles about Government/Legal from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


USDA Scrubs Website of Enforcement Records

On February 3, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) abruptly removed from its website inspection reports and other key documents relating to enforcement of the Horse Protection Act (HPA) and the Animal...

Changes in Congress

Along with the unexpected outcome of the presidential race (see page 2), Election Day 2016 resulted in the defeat of two lawmakers who have worked to improve animal welfare.

Historic Orca Captivity Bill Becomes Law in California

In March 2014, California Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced into the California Assembly AB 2140—a bill to prohibit the breeding of captive orcas and their use in theatrical shows in the state and require...

A Letter from the President of AWI

After perhaps the most disheartening, divisive campaign in modern memory, the votes have been tabulated. Next year, a new administration will plant its flag in Washington, DC. A new Congress will convene. A new era...

Bill Seeks to Ban Interstate Commerce in Cruel Traps

A horrific incident just outside her district, in which a young boy was seriously injured by a Conibear trap, motivated Representative Alma Adams (D-NC) to join Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY) in introducing the Public Safety...

USDA Action Makes Horse Abusers Sore

In July, the US Department of Agriculture proposed a rule that, if finalized, would bring us closer to ending the egregiously inhumane practice of soring Tennessee Walking horses, racking horses, and other gaited breeds.

Dormant Horse Slaughter Plant Demolished

A powerful symbol of the horse slaughter industry—and of the hopes some have of resurrecting it—crumbled in April with the demolition of the former Dallas Crown plant in Kaufman, Texas.

House Committee Advances USDA Spending Bill

Shutting the door on horse slaughter and Class B dealers: In its fiscal year 2017 spending bill for the US Department of Agriculture, the House Appropriations Committee included two AWI priorities. The bill bars the...

Animal Welfare Measures Included in Funding Bill

As the first session of the 114th Congress wound down at the end of 2015, a massive $1.1 trillion bill funding government operations through September 30, 2016, passed and was signed by the president.