
AWI Quarterly Articles | Animals in Laboratories

Please see the below articles about Animals in Laboratories from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Hue And Cry Over The New Guide Is An Old Tune

The new, eighth edition of the National Academy of Sciences' Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals reflects much that has changed since publication of the last edition 15 years ago concerning notions...

Laboratory Staff Charged with Felony Animal Cruelty

Video images taken by an undercover investigator with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA ) at the Professional Laboratory and Research Services (PLRS) facility in North Carolina documented laboratory workers throwing, hitting, kicking...

Reducing Anxiety for Rabbits in Research

Rabbits can be affectionate companions. They are not, however, naturally predisposed to feel at ease around humans. In a laboratory setting, in particular, being approached and subsequently scruffed by an unfamiliar human is likely to...

Class B Dealers Flunk Animal Welfare (Again)

It’s happened yet again, just as we predicted. Another USDA-licensed Class B dealer operation has been indicted by the federal government following a two-year investigation into purported illegal activities.

Training Primates to Cooperate During Blood Collection

For macaques and other primates in research laboratories, blood draws can be extremely stressful events. The anxiety and fear, however, may result not so much from any "phobia" involving the needle, but from the restraint...