
AWI Quarterly Articles | Terrestrial Wildlife

Please see the below articles about Terrestrial Wildlife from past editions of the AWI Quarterly.


Two Books Examine Our Relationship with Wolves

These two groundbreaking books - both edited by Marco Musiana, Luigi Boitani, and Paul Paquet, and published by the University of Calgary Press - offer perspectives on how humans can better coexist with wolves.

Into Africa

This summer I was fortunate enough to fulfill one of my life’s dreams - a vacation in Africa! My family and I spent a week in Kenya. Though this was not a "working" vacation, I...

The Massachusetts Beaver Controversy

When Massachusetts citizens voted overwhelmingly in 1996 to outlaw steel jaw leghold traps, other body-gripping traps, and snares for capturing fur-bearing animals, critics of the law loudly proclaimed that disaster was imminent.

Roadkill Research: Making Highways Less Hazardous

UC Davis researcher Fraser Shilling and colleagues created a website for Californians to report on roadkill. The goal is to collect data that could help transportation planners and conservation managers design more wildlife-friendly roads.

Brutal BLM Roundups

The unnecessary removal of wild horses has reached an alarming rate under the current administration. Thousands of horses have been and continue to be removed from their native range, and placed in short- and long-term...

Shooting in the Wild

The mysterious lives of animals have been the subjects of countless films and nature shows. Though these productions might focus on similar themes, filmmakers are driven by a variety of motivations, and may use vastly...

Migratory Birds Favor Shade-Grown Coffee

Since its (apocryphal) discovery in East Africa by a shepherd who watched his goats joyfully cavort across the pasture shortly after eating the red berries from an unassuming shrub, coffee traditionally has been grown in...