Including Pets in Domestic Violence Protection Orders in Illinois

Guidance for Advocates and Attorneys for Domestic Violence Survivors1

This guide is intended to serve as a resource2 to help advocates and attorneys get pets of domestic violence (DV) survivors included in domestic violence protection orders in Illinois.3 We hope that this information will serve to simplify the process and help survivors take more control of their lives and escape abuse along with their pets.

Advocates and attorneys often play a crucial role in helping DV survivors understand and exercise their rights to include pets in such orders. There are typically four key steps in this process:

  1. As early as possible, identify any pets, service animals, therapy animals, or any other animals who may live in the home.
  2. Identify and review the state’s protection order laws. (See below.)
  3. Gather evidence of any animal abuse or threats of animal abuse to present at the hearing. (See “Gathering Evidence” below.)
  4. Help the DV survivor understand what relief is available to protect the animal, and use available opportunities to include the desired relief in any temporary or extended order.

Ask About Pets

The first step is to ask if any pets or other animals are present in the home. It is common for individuals experiencing domestic violence not to volunteer that they have a pet. They may assume there are no resources or protections for their pets and therefore believe it is pointless to raise the issue. In addition, under the stress of the circumstances they may forget to mention pet concerns. The following are examples of questions to flesh this out:

  • Does an animal—a pet, service animal, or support animal—live in your home?
  • Has your abuser ever harmed your pet or threatened to harm this animal?
  • How did the animal abuse or threat affect you?
  • Where is your pet right now?
  • Is your pet safe?
  • Do you want to ask that the court grant you custody of your pet?
  • Do you want to ask that the court order your abuser to stay away from your pet?
  • Do you have anything that might help us prove that the abuser has threatened or hurt the animal, e.g., veterinary bills or records, photographs, or eyewitnesses?

It is important to recognize the overall significance of asking about pets. Being able to present information about how the abuser has treated animals can be a valuable tool to illustrate the extent of the abuser’s controlling and violent behavior. Knowing whether a pet is involved may help not only the pet but also other abused parties. Many individuals experiencing domestic violence may decide not to leave due to fear of leaving a pet behind, and addressing such concerns increases the likelihood that they will escape an abusive situation.

Discuss Resources for Pets

It is often helpful to reassure the DV survivor that you will work with them to develop a safety plan for them, their family, and their pet(s). Does the individual intend to stay with friends or family members, but cannot take their pet? Are they moving into temporary housing or a domestic violence shelter that does not accept pets? Explain that there are safe havens for pets of DV survivors in many communities. Safe havens are sheltering services available in an area that help individuals who are experiencing domestic violence place their companion animals out of harm's way so that they may seek safety for themselves.

Safe havens operate differently from community to community. Some rely on networks of foster care homes or are allowed to use the additional kennel space of a local humane society or veterinarian. In some cases, domestic violence shelters house victims and pets together; others have pet kennels on site. Depending on the local arrangement, family members may be able to visit pets while they are in safekeeping. Confidentiality of the pet’s location is highly guarded in order to protect pets and family members.

Refer the DV survivor to the Animal Welfare Institute’s Safe Havens for Pets directory. This is a directory, searchable by zip code, of sheltering services for pets of DV survivors.4 Recommend that the DV survivor also do the following:

  • Keep on hand the phone number of the nearest 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic.
  • Establish ownership of the pet by creating a paper trail (e.g., obtain a license, have veterinarian records put in the petitioner’s name).
  • Keep emergency provisions for the pet. Pack a bag for the pet that includes these items:
    • food
    • medicine
    • documents of ownership (receipts from adoption or purchase of pet, license to establish ownership, receipts for animal purchases)
    • health documents (veterinary or vaccination records)
    • leash
    • ID and rabies tag, if a dog or cat (these will also help establish ownership)
    • carrier
    • toys
    • bedding

Finally, in some circumstances where the animal and the DV survivor are separated, such as one involving a visit to the emergency room, the advocate or attorney may need to take steps to ensure that the animal is safe. Following a domestic violence call, the animal may be taken into custody by animal control and need to be claimed and transferred to safety later.

Illinois Domestic Violence Protection Order Laws

Obtaining a protection order

In Illinois, the laws pertaining to domestic violence protection orders are set forth in Article II of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (750 ILCS 60/201–227.1). Under Illinois law, a person experiencing abuse from a family or household member can obtain an initial, short-term “emergency order of protection” and a long-term “plenary order of protection.” Detailed information on the elements of the law (including what acts constitute “abuse” for purposes of the law and what qualifies as a “family or household member”) is available from

The first step is to submit a Petition for Order of Protection and accompanying forms to the court. The Illinois Courts website provides the following two online factsheets with instructions on how to navigate the process:

The Petition for Order of Protection and other necessary forms can be obtained at the courthouse or downloaded from the Illinois Courts website. The forms can be submitted in person at the courthouse or filed online. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides information on e-filing the forms, including via an “Easy Form” program for each county that will generate completed forms and instructions based on answers to an online guided interview.

Including pets on the protection order

Requesting protection of pets

Under Illinois law, a court can grant the petitioner possession of household pets and order the abuser (the “respondent”) to stay away from the pets.5 There are several places in the forms where the petitioner can request possession and protection of pets as part of the protection order:

  • On page 8 of the Petition for Order of Protection form:
    • Check the box next to “11.5 Possession of Animals—Petitioner be awarded possession of these animals:” and describe the animal(s) in the space provided.
  • In Illinois, the petitioner also partially completes the Emergency Order of Protection and the Plenary Order of Protection forms. (The petition form is a request for a protection order. These documents, however, are the actual orders that the court will issue after a hearing.)
    • On both forms, check the box on page 7 next to “11.5 Possession of Animals—Petitioner shall have care, custody, and control over the following animals: [describe the animal(s) in the blank space provided here]. Respondent shall stay away from the animals and Respondent is forbidden from taking, transferring, concealing, harming, or otherwise disposing of the animals.”

Describing past pet abuse

Abuse of a pet is not an element of domestic violence under Illinois law. Nevertheless, when the petitioner appears before the judge at the hearing, the petitioner should be prepared to describe past pet abuse and should bring any evidence they have (see section below) of such abuse. Such evidence can help indicate the respondent’s pattern of violence and use of threats or injuries to pets to punish or control the petitioner, and underscore the need to award the petitioner possession of pets.

Gathering Evidence for the Hearing

Fact-Gathering Questions

Answers to the questions listed in the above section titled “Ask About Pets” will not only aid in completing the petition, but will also help the evidence-gathering process for the hearing and offer the court a more comprehensive understanding of the circumstances. In preparation for the hearing, it may be particularly helpful to discuss the following with the DV survivor.

If the abuser has threatened to harm either the DV survivor’s animal or the abuser’s own animal, try to determine what the abuser specifically said. The statement should generally be admissible under evidence rules as an admission by a party opponent. Ask where and when the statement occurred, and if someone else may have heard the threat (e.g., a neighbor, another occupant of the home, or someone else present). Have the survivor describe the circumstances, including the topic of conversation and body language.

If the abuser physically hurt the pet, gather as many details as possible. In particular, find out if the animal needed veterinary care. If so, collect any evidence of the visit and consider if a subpoena to the animal hospital is appropriate. Either way, find out if any photos were taken and, if the abuse was recent, see if there is a way to obtain photographic evidence.

In addition to the fine details, be sure to capture the bigger picture of abuse. Have the survivor describe the series of events that led up to the incident of abuse as well as any past instances of conflict. What does the survivor believe motivated the abuse? How did they react to the abuse? How did the abuser act afterward? Did the abuse serve as an effective controlling behavior? For example, did the abuse prevent the survivor from leaving the home or going somewhere?

Remember, it is extremely important that the court understands how the animal abuse fits into abusive behavior generally. Being able to demonstrate with evidence that the abuser used the pet as a means to control the survivor can be crucial to convincing the court of the role animal abuse plays in domestic violence.

Evidentiary Issues

There are several common pieces of evidence that you may want to introduce:

  • Statements made by the abuser
  • Veterinary records
  • Photographs of injuries
  • Evidence of prior animal abuse
  • Prior convictions for animal abuse
  • Testimony of a police officer
  • Testimony of a veterinarian
  • Testimony of anyone who witnessed the abuse or immediate aftermath

Federal Domestic Violence Law: Paws Act

Although the process of obtaining a protection order is a civil matter, not a criminal one, violation of a protection order once it is in place is typically a crime under state law, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. In some circumstances, it will also be a crime under federal law. In 2018, the provisions of the Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act were signed into law as part of the federal farm bill. The PAWS Act added language to Title 18, Chapter 110A of the US Code6—which pertains to interstate domestic violence and interstate stalking—that heightens protection for animals in situations involving protection order violations and stalking.

Interstate violation of a protection order occurs when someone crosses state lines (or by force, coercion, duress, or fraud causes another person to cross state lines) with the intent to engage in conduct that violates or would violate a protection order’s prohibition “against violence, threats, or harassment against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to, another person or the pet, service animal, emotional support animal,7 or horse of that person.”8

Interstate stalking occurs when someone engages in conduct intending to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate another person (or place that person under surveillance for such purposes), so that it either

  1. causes the person to have reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury to themselves; their immediate family members, their spouse or intimate partner; or their pet, service animal, emotional support animal, or horse, or
  2. “causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress” to the person, their immediate family members, or their spouse or intimate partner,

AND such behavior occurs when the stalker is either

  1. traveling in interstate or foreign commerce,9 or
  2. using “mail, any interactive computer service or electronic communication service or electronic communication system of interstate commerce, or any other facility of interstate or foreign commerce.”10

It is important to emphasize that the latter provision means that stalking conducted via mail or computers—whether or not physical travel is involved—constitutes interstate stalking because use of the US mail and the electronic devices themselves involves activities that venture beyond state lines.

Federal authorities, not local and state law enforcement officers, are tasked with prosecuting violations of federal law. However, the Department of Justice recommends reporting such crimes, especially in an emergency, to the local authorities. The local district attorney will refer appropriate cases to a US attorney’s office. DV survivors and advocates also may wish to contact a local US attorney’s office or the Federal Bureau of Investigation directly. Each US attorney’s office has an Office of Violence Against Women contact person to take referrals under the interstate stalking law. Click on the links below for office locations:

US attorney offices
FBI field offices

Forms and Resources

Illinois Official Forms and Government-Sponsored Resources

Illinois Organizations

National Organizations

Further Reading

1. AWI would like to thank Emily Schurr, Rutgers Law School, for their assistance in compiling this information.

2. Nothing in this material should be considered legal advice. This guide is designed to facilitate access to available information and resources, and to identify issues and steps to consider in the course of seeking protection for pets of domestic violence survivors. While we try to keep the information up-to-date, we cannot assure that it remains accurate at the time a reader accesses it; please consult an official source for the most current language of any statute or other legal requirements. While we have provided links to third party websites that contain additional information, we cannot guarantee the availability or quality of services at those sites.

3. This guide does not attempt to describe procedures focused on protecting survivors themselves, their children or other human family members. There are numerous resources available to address issues specific to human survivors, including but not limited to Women’s Law and the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

4. The directory reflects an effort to identify services that offer shelter for the pets of domestic violence victims. We cannot guarantee the availability or quality of services at any particular location.

5. 750 ILCS 60/214(b)(11.5): “Protection of animals. [The court may] Grant the petitioner the exclusive care, custody, or control of any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by either the petitioner or the respondent or a minor child residing in the residence or household of either the petitioner or the respondent and order the respondent to stay away from the animal and forbid the respondent from taking, transferring, encumbering, concealing, harming, or otherwise disposing of the animal.” See also Michigan State University Animal Legal & Historical Center: Domestic Violence and Pets: Illinois.

7. “pets,” “service animals,” and “emotional support animals” as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2266 (11–13)

8. 18 U.S. Code § 2262(a) (emphasis added)

9. “or is present within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves Indian country” 18 U.S.C. § 2261A