Legislative Advocacy for Animals Webinar

Thank you for joining AWI's webinar on legislative advocacy for animals. If you weren't able to join us, we invite you to watch the recording of the webinar. In our discussion, we mentioned many resources to learn more about the topics discussed. Please find these links below, and feel free to email [email protected] with any questions.


We advise our supporters to boycott restaurants that serve shark fin soup and to contact the restaurants to encourage them to stop. Check out AWI's database of restaurants serving shark fin soup in the US and Canada. 


To learn more about human culpability in the spread of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19, check out this article from the AWI Quarterly.

We also have more information for you about the Preventing Future Pandemics Act to help rein in human activity that contributes to the spread of deadly zoonotic diseases.

Animals in Laboratories

A question was submitted regarding animals in laboratories, so we wanted to be sure to share the section of our website with more information about our work in this area to improve the lives of animals in research.

Farm Animals

AWI has a handy guide to food labels and animal welfare to help you understand the trustworthiness of animal welfare claims on food labels. We also wanted to highlight our fact sheet on the Farm Systems Reform Act, as factory farming was an issue many advocates mentioned in submitted questions and comments.


Our horse slaughter page gives deep background on this issue, and we also have more information about the Safeguarding American Food Exports (SAFE) Act that would end the slaughter of American horses.

Take Action!

Finally, we want to remind and encourage you to check out AWI's Action Center and to encourage your friends and family to sign up to take action, too. We also have a page to help you easily find your legislators to contact them about the issues that are important to you. 

Thank you again for your compassion toward animals and continued advocacy on their behalf.